K-Fed Up!
Oh my goodness, I am so sick of Mr. Kevin Federline. Can I get a witness!? He is one sick little puppy. I don't know why Brit is still with the dude and I REALLY don't know why they keep havin' babies! Sheesh! Before the first baby she was like "Oh, i'll have a baby and that will make Kevin a better husband!" Yeah, so the baby is here and KFed's still smokin, drinkin, dealin, cheatin, etc. So, now an even BRIGHTER idea pops into good ol' Mrs. Spears' head. "I'll have another baby! Then he'll change!" Okaaaayyyy, right. Thought you were smarter than that Britney. Actually, no, I didn't... so it kinda makes sense.
Well, my good friend Ashton Kutcher seems to feel the same way. In this AMAZING skit about man panties, Ashton portrays KFed in such an outstanding way. This is exactly the way I see Mr. Federline. The skit was from a Saturday Night Live not long ago, and the name of it is "Federline Yo!" (Hense where my blog name came from if anyone was wondering!)
At 2:36 PM, ImaMommie said…
Haha. Shoot. Sorry 'bout that! If some way you can un-block it, or view it from a different computer, you should b/c it's flippin halarious!
At 2:20 PM, Milwaukee Girl said…
To go along with the K-Fed rant - everything was fine until the second baby with his first baby's momma ... you'd think sense would kick in that two is not a charm.
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