Joderline Yo!

The happiest of people don't necessarily have to have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Monday, May 01, 2006


No, I'm not refering to the awesome TV show about a bunch of plane crash survivors stranded on an island. Though the show is COMPLETELY AMAZING, that's not what this is all about.

No, no. The discussion here today, is about my Jump Drive. Some may also call it a "Flash Drive." Whatever the case, it's lost. I love my jump drive. And now it's gone. I use that thing ALOT. It's great. One of my favorite toys EVER. Oh where, oh where could it be!?

The background behind my amazing toy is: a couple years ago, one cold morning in Florida, which doesn't happen anymore, I awoke in my bed to the sounds of voices. Yes! It was Christmas morning. My wonderful brother, Josh, was visiting from Alabama. Christmas was as usual in the Frantz family, but THEN, a GIFT! A wonderful gift for me from my wonderful brother! I opened it, and behold... a JUMP DRIVE! I didn't know what it was at the time, so he explained it to me. And since that day, I have carried that thing around with me everywhere. But, alas, it is gone now. I've checked my home and my work and my purse (which surprised me that it wasn't in there, b/c everything from "LOC wipes" to a flashlight is in my purse). But, no no. The J-drive is not.

So, if anyone knows where it could be, or could give me any good tips of where I might find it, PLEASE let me know. THERE WILL BE A HANDSOME REWARD!!! And no, i'm not talking about my hubby. I'm talking about... well, you'll just have to find out! The person that leads me to my drive will receive a reward. So, HELP!!! :o) (It looks just like the one in the picture, only mine is blue).

Thanks! - Prego

P.S. - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to sister Jill!!! She and her hubby have been married for ONE YEAR TODAY! :o) Yay!!! CONGRATS!


  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger ImaMommie said…

    Agh. nope! Looked... it's not there dangit. Thanks for the tip! Keep 'em coming!

  • At 1:13 PM, Blogger Yancy said…

    I think it is under your car seat.

  • At 9:19 PM, Blogger ImaMommie said…

    hahaha. Someone wants a Handsome reward huh?


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