Joderline Yo!

The happiest of people don't necessarily have to have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Gay Fortune

So. Most of my days are spent at work. I have my own office, my own desk, even my own computer! My boss just recently upgrated my monitor to a FLAT SCREEN b/c being the company's graphic designer is one of my many titles. :o) hehe. I guess graphic designers are cooler than secretaries and book-keepers, so I got the flat screen. Awesome.

Well, even though we are a pretty large company that does mission work in 7 different countries around the world (including USA), we have only one, small office here in Ocala, FL with only 5 employees. 3 of us are women and 2 are of the other species. But, on Tuesdays, many, many more of that species come here for their weekly men's Bible Study. So, every Tuesday this office is FILLED with testosterone. They gather themselves in the back meeting room and order lunch. It's chinese. ALWAYS chinese. Never pizza or subs,... just chinese. They are hooked.

Well, every tuesday I sit and wait for the last man to leave. Then, I go to the kitchen and look in the refrigerater for left-overs. Well, two weeks ago was my last time in search of left-overs. And do you THINK I found any? No. Nobody cared to leave anything for me. You would think that someone would have seen my belly and thought... "hmm, maybe we should save THAT girl some food." Or, maybe they saw my belly and thought, "Yeah, we should definitely make sure that girl doesn't eat too much more." (I'm pregnant by the way) Well, back to no left-overs. So, as I was in my search, I did stumble upon 3 chinese fortune cookies. They were just sitting on the counter all alone. Well, I never eat those b/c they taste like cardboard, but I do, however, read the fortune inside. I'm not superstitious or anything, but I do it for fun. So, anyway... I looked at the three and thought... "Which one of these is for ME!?" So, I randomly chose one with the thinking that it was made for me! Yeah. Okay. I got to my desk, opened the package and cracked open the cookie. I read it. "You are a happy man." What the heck? This was SO not meant for me. Don't the chinese KNOW i'm pregnant? Men don't have babies. Sheesh. So, what does this MEAN? Why did I receive the happy man fortune? I need an explanation.

So, anyway, that was the major event of my day that day. As you can see, ALOT happens at my work.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

K-Fed Up!

Oh my goodness, I am so sick of Mr. Kevin Federline. Can I get a witness!? He is one sick little puppy. I don't know why Brit is still with the dude and I REALLY don't know why they keep havin' babies! Sheesh! Before the first baby she was like "Oh, i'll have a baby and that will make Kevin a better husband!" Yeah, so the baby is here and KFed's still smokin, drinkin, dealin, cheatin, etc. So, now an even BRIGHTER idea pops into good ol' Mrs. Spears' head. "I'll have another baby! Then he'll change!" Okaaaayyyy, right. Thought you were smarter than that Britney. Actually, no, I didn't... so it kinda makes sense.

Well, my good friend Ashton Kutcher seems to feel the same way. In this AMAZING skit about man panties, Ashton portrays KFed in such an outstanding way. This is exactly the way I see Mr. Federline. The skit was from a Saturday Night Live not long ago, and the name of it is "Federline Yo!" (Hense where my blog name came from if anyone was wondering!)



So, I've joined the blog world. I know in the past I said that being prego is better than having a blog. Well, it still is. BUT, I figured that having both would be even better, so welcome to my blog! This will be the best blog EVER! And here are a few reasons why:

1. I will strive to create interesting, yet unique posts.
2. I will try to keep as up to date as possible.
3. I will try to always put pictures in my posts b/c I LOVE pics!
4. I will use many abbreviations (abbrev's) in my words to limit my rambling.
5. I am a happy person and I like dogs.

Thanks for stopping by! Check back soon!

- Jodie (Prego)