Joderline Yo!

The happiest of people don't necessarily have to have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Friday, June 30, 2006


Felicity means Happiness and that is exactly what Aaron and I feel.

So, today is Friday... well, technically, it's Saturday morning at 12:24am. I've been sleeping since 9:00pm, but Aaron just now got home from doing some plumbing work for a friend, so now i'm up... and i'm glad. I needed to do some therapy, and right now blog world is my therapy.

I haven't seen my cute, precious, darling, gorgeous, sweet baby girl since Thursday. It was really hard for both me and Aaron to come home without her. Yes, i'm so glad to be home, but it's soooo hard being here and her not with me. I always had pictured in my mind that when we left the hospital, she would be riding home with us in her little car seat and we would bring her home and introduce her to her new life! But, now we are here and she is still at the hospital. It's okay though. Time is passing fast, thank you Jesus!!! Only two more days. PLUS, my brother and his wife (Osh and Mando) are coming to visit us and they will be here tomorrow evening, so THAT will be SO awesome!!!

Anyway, I know all of you are so much waiting to see pictures of my precious baby girl - Felicity! So, you will see lots! (for a link to the pics, scroll to the bottom of this blog)

The story about my delivery is that I woke up Sunday morning at around 4:00am having minor contractions. I wasn't even sure that's what they were, so I called the midwife on call and she said they were. Well, I couldn't sleep, so I got up and started doing dishes and cleaning the house. Did a little reading and writing and made a few phone calls as time passed. I let hubby sleep in until about 9:15, then I realized - HOLY COW! It's TIME! So, within 15 minutes Aaron and I were on our way to the hospital! When we got there I was only 2 cm dialated. An hour or more later I was only 3 cm, so the midwife broke my water to make things happen quicker. Long story short, I was only dialating a cm every couple hours. About 5:30pm I received my epidural. It hurt less than like the tiniest prick on your finger ever. It was awesome. I was worried for nothing. Anyway, an hour or so after my epidural I broke a fever which caused my baby to get a fever too. I hadn't had anything to eat but an apple that morning, so I believe it was from lack of food. Felicity's heart stopped beating three different times that day which scared me to death into multiple tears. About 7 or 8 nurses rushed in the room each time and put me under oxygen and tried to get her heart beating again. GOD IS AWESOME. She recovered each time. About this time, they let me know that I may have to have a C-Section b/c she was not in line with my cervix and her having a fever could be dangerous through regular child birth. We told them we wanted to keep trying to do it naturally, and my family and I have never prayed so consistently in all our lives! People all over the world were praying for Felicity's birth. We found out that Billy Graham's Crusaide was praying! I mean, everywhere! Again, GOD IS AWESOME.

Well, we tried everything. I even did an hour of pushing. Still, nothing. At 2:00am I signed papers for a C-Section. I was scared out of my mind, but knew God is in control. Aaron was supposed to be in the room with me, but the epidural wouldn't numb the left side of my stomach, so they had to put me to sleep. Aaron was not allowed to be in for the birth. At 2:33am, they told Aaron that they were beginning the surgery, and Monday morning June 26, 2006 at 2:35am FELICITY ELIZABETH JOHNSON was born!!! She weighed a whopping 8lbs. 12 oz. and was 21½ inches long! The surgery did not take long at all! 2 minutes! But, then it took about 15 minutes to sew me back up. They brought Felicity out to Aaron and he introduced her to the rest of our family that was still there. I love them for staying. About an hour and a half later, I woke up and met my daughter! She was SOOO cute!

Anyway, so, we arrived in the hospital on Sunday morning and we left to go home Thursday afternoon. When you have a C-Section, your hospital stay is alot longer. They've had to keep her on IV's all week b/c of her fever. They said she is most likely fine now, but they don't want to take any chances, so they are keeping her there until monday! :o( It was so hard to say goodbye, but we will see her soon! I am not allowed to go to the hospital to visit or feed her b/c i'm not supposed to be in a car after surgery. But, I've been pumping my milk (sorry to the guys) and Aaron brings her the milk and feeds her in the hospital, so she's at least getting mommy's nutrients!

Aaron's brother went with him this evening and took some pictures of Aaron with Felicity. Those are the pictures i'm putting on the blog tonight. Isn't she the CUTEST baby you've ever seen in your life!? Aaron said that as soon as he picked her up and talked to her she calmed down and got the biggest smile on her face! I'm so glad daddy can be with her! This was the first time he'd seen her since Thursday too.

Okay, i've typed sooo much. Wow! I told you it was my therapy. I've been crying, so I needed to let it all out! Pray that my days go fast! Love you all - thanks for your prayers! :o)

- Mommy Jodie

P.S. - OF COURSE! Blogger is being stupid again! I can't put any pictures on here. So, click this link and it will take you to my photo album. I put the pictures on there. You don't have to sign in to view the photo's... just click on the album and it will take you there! :o)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"No Baby? Ok."

So... here's my latest Baby update. I'M STILL PREGNANT! GOSH. and i'm tired of it. I feel normal still! A couple days ago I felt a tiny little cramp and I got so excited! I ran and told Aaron. But, the cramp went away and I haven't had one since. So, what... are my contractions like 48 hours apart!? SHEESH! The answer is no. I'm not even HAVING contractions! None! I wish something would happen already!

You know what else? I believe my midwives are OFF on my due date! Yup! You heard me. I found on a website how they are supposed to determine your due date. They count exactly 280 days from your last... time. Well, 280 days for me would make my due date be June 23rd!!! So, technically, i'm not even late! My due date SHOULD have been the 23rd! Which is Friday! I guess we'll see! I don't know HOW they could have mixed that up! gosh.

Anyway, so that's my update for today. I'm at work. I'm tired. I'm GROGGY. I'm Weary. My back is killing me. I'm anxious. I'm getting impatient (or am I already there?). etc. etc. etc. Oh! Sister Jill and I went and got pedicures done yesterday too! It was so much fun us sittin there getting pampered. Ha! The little chinese people were so cute too. I told the guy that i heard that foot massages were supposed to induce labor, so he really worked at his massage. When he was done with one foot, he looked up at me and said "No baby yet? Ok, I massage other foot." So, he massaged the other one for a while, then looked up and said "No baby? Ok, I massage more." lol The girl that was doing Jill's feet was like "My friend, she pregnant. She go mow her yard. She have baby! You go mow!" - it was so funny. Jill and I were crackin up. We've decided that we're going to make that place a regular hang out for us. We need pedicures every once in a while, plus the people are entertaining... when you can understand them. Actually, they may be more entertaining when you can't understand them! When we left and waved goodbye, the girl said "YOU GO MOW!"

Okay. That's all for today. I will DEF let you know when something happens! Or, someone will! It will be on someone's blog, believe me! :o)

Monday, June 19, 2006


Well, today's the official due date and nothing is happening! I feel fine! But, i don't want to feel fine! I want to feel contractions! Or water running down my leg or SOMETHING! Aghh. I was SO hoping today would be the day, but it doesn't look like it will be. I know God has his perfect time though.

Me, my mom and my sister have been going on walks the past few days to try to induce if at all possible! But, it doesn't seem like it's doing anything! My Dr. apt. this past Friday said I hadn't even dialated yet. Which, you can't have a baby if you haven't dialated! Agghh! She told me not to worry though, b/c it could still happen any time! Well, i'm so anxious! So, pray, please PRAY!!! I don't want to have to wait another week, or 2! Agh... i can't imagine another 2 weeks! Holy cow. No way.

I took the day off from work today. I'll prolly go in tomorrow if nothing happens. I'll just work up until she gets here! ugh. I'm prolly going to go get a pedicure today. I've only had a pedicure once in my life and it was AWESOME! I got it done for my wedding. Well, I need to pamper myself now, and plus I heard it can help induce labor. Sounds weird, but i'm up for anything now!

Anyway, she's been moving alot today. Maybe she's trying to inch her way out!? Who knows. But, i'll let y'all know something as soon as it happens!

Until then! ---I'm out!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sad News

If you haven't read the blog right below this one, read it FIRST, then come back to this one.

Well, in my last blog, I posted a story about two children-Dayna and Daniel. I mentioned their mother is blind and does not want to live. Well, I just received an email from Ann and she let me know that the mother just passed away. So, now these 9 children are left with no mother or father. Please be in prayer with me for this precious family. I know the Lord will take care of them.

Ann just emailed me that she is going to go visit the family tomorrow as their home will be packed with people today. She is going to email me some pictures once she gets them. She'll most likely take some tomorrow. I will post what she sends me.

Thanks for your prayers everyone!

Is it really even a "Job" ???

So, I'm here at what could possibly be my last day of work for 6 weeks. I've been SO busy lately with trying to get everything done before my departure! Well, this morning I received an email from one of our missionaries in Haiti. Her name is Ann and she and her husband have lived there full time for 20 years! They are such a wonderful couple. I love them to pieces! Anyway, Ann does not receive a paycheck; she voluntarily works at a school (Garden of Joy) in Haiti and heads up a sponsorship program at the school. I head it up here in America. So, we communicate very often. Anyway, she sent me an email this morning with a bunch of pictures of new students coming to the school awaiting sponsorship. (It's $25 a month to sponsor a child by the way) Well, as you can imagine, this is my most favorite part of my job. Seeing photo's of all the children in Haiti and finding out their "stories." I love it. It really is a wonderful job I have b/c it keeps me ever so close to our precious Father in heaven reminding me day after day that we are so blessed by His grace to even be a part of His awesome plan.

Anyway, the pictures made me smile from ear to ear this morning. Ohhh, I love seeing these children. Then, in a separate email, she sent me birthdates and info on each of them. How it just broke my heart. I'm just in tears. I wanted to share a couple of these children's stories with you so you can understand how I am feeling! And maybe I won't be the only one wiping my eyes in front of a computer today! Or, maybe I will... who knows! I'm a cryer!

Here is one story: This little boy named Philemond is in K-5. He is 6 years old. He has no father or siblings. It is only him and his mother that live in their home. His mother cannot find any work to support them, so an uncle helps them survive. The only food that little Philemond gets is the one meal a day that they serve at the school. And the only reason they are even able to serve food at the school is b/c of the sponsorship money that we send in each month. If it wasn't for this, most of these children would starve. Adults in Haiti always eat before the children, and if there isn't enough left over, the child just simply does not eat. So, thank goodness for the school's food!

Another story: This little girl's name is Edith. She is in 2nd grade. She is one of 5 siblings and has both her parents living in her home. They are a Christian family and attend church. Her parents have their own veggie garden and try to earn income by selling vegitables. Ann says that this family lives so far from the school, but everyone walks together each morning and the children are always on time. She said it must take these children forever to walk to school, b/c it takes her over an hours walk to get to the school from their home... and she's an adult. She also told me that every year they give Ann a huge bag of their home-grown veggies just to say thank you for all she does for them. HOW SWEET!

One last story: Two children just entered the sponsorship program. Their names are Dayna and Daniel. I haven't received pics of them yet. They are both in 3rd grade. Ann says that there are 9 children total in this family, and they only have a mother. There may be multiple fathers, but no one will claim the children. The mother went blind after giving birth to her last child. She almost passed away last week and she tells Ann she just wants to die. The oldest sister is responsible for everything with a little help from the Grandmother. Another missionary couple has been helping to educate these children and a friend of there's sends in money every now and then for food for them. We are hoping that someone will sponsor these two children so that they can receive an education and food at Garden of Joy.

Anyway, this is the kind of thing I see every day here at work! It's so fulfilling doing what I do, but it's also very sad at times. Knowing, though, that God is in control is so comforting. I have visited most of these children in Haiti a couple times a year. I haven't been able to go since i've been pregnant, but hopefully Aaron and I will be going again in the future. I'll share a few more pictures from my trips in the album.

P.S. - Blogger still won't let me load pictures, so just click on this link and it will take you to my online photo album. I put the pictures on there. You don't have to sign in to view the pictures, you just click on the album and you'll be able to view them.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Baby Update

Okay. Isn't it about TIME already!!??! My baby's due date is this coming monday, June 19th. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. But, enough waiting already, right!? I'm SO ready to have her here! I'm so much more uncomfortable than you could ever imagine. Last night I woke up throughout the night MULTIPLE times. The worst was when I woke up at 2:21AM and couldn't fall asleep until about 5-somethin' AM. It was horrible! I just layed there in bed in pain and discomfort and annoyance from the inability to fall asleep. SHEEEEESH!

So, anyway. At my last Dr. apt. which was Tuesday, the 6th, my midwife told me that my baby doesn't seem to be ready and that she'll probably be late. NOT what I wanted to hear. Ohh well. It's all in God's timing. I still REALLY hope that she's born ON the 19th though. If you can remember to pray for that date, I would MUCH appreciate it. :o)

Okay... so here is this week's update according to my online pregnancy calendar. It's kinda funny! :o)

Size: Huge. (Seriously. It says that.)
Development: Fully formed.
About Your Pregnancy: If your due date comes and goes, your pregnancy will be officially postdate. If you're still pregnant two weeks from your due date, then your pregnancy will be post-term. Anywhere from three to twelve percent of pregnant women may go post-term. The good news is that the baby is going to come out at some point -- the bad news is that it may be as long as two weeks from now. In the meantime, your care provider will check your dilation and effacement to try to predict when labor will begin.
About You: We understand that you are bigger and more uncomfortable than you ever thought possible. We know you can't sleep or do much more than watch television, read, and make trips to the bathroom. These are tedious times, but do try to enjoy the peace and quiet. Don't feel guilty about just sitting around. Do try to stretch your legs and encourage labor with daily walks. Walk while talking to your baby about how you're ready for her, or try singing "Get Down Tonight" or "Happy Birthday to You," or whatever you find encouraging. Relax yourself and your abdominal muscles as you walk. (lol ha haha ha. 'Get Down Tonight'... haha ahhh)
Labor: So what if labor just doesn't happen? If you hit forty-two weeks, your doctor will assess the baby's health with a non-stress test. Your care provider may use ultrasound to see if your baby has enough amniotic fluid. If the baby seems fine, you and your care provider can discuss when to schedule induction of labor. No matter what, one way or another, somehow, that baby is getting out!

Yeah, well, let's hope so! I don't know how much more of this I can take! I just really hope I am not late. I don't want that to happen. But, I do know God is in control and my baby is going to come at HIS perfect time!

Well, that's all for today! :o)

P.S. - I just tried putting two pics on here and blogger won't let me. They're pics of a baby inside the womb at about the size my baby should be right now (full term). I'll try to post them again later.

Monday, June 12, 2006


So, sister Jill IM'd me today using the amazing technology of AIM. How crazy is that? So, you want to talk to someone. You can't or don't want to use the phone. So, hmm... what to do? Uh, duh! Just go over to the good ol' computer and sign into your Instant Messenger---Something that would have never crossed anyone's mind decades ago is now one of the most common things in the world today. AMAZING. Email too. What a wonderful creation! Keeping in touch with people from all over the world (or wherever) that we would not have usually been able to. Instead of waiting a possible 3 weeks to 2 months for a letter to get to someone in another country, we just click a few buttons, and BOOM --- an email is sent within one minute! It just amazes me to pieces.

Well, today sister Jill and I came across a small problem that I know, one day, someone will prolly come up with a solution to.

Problem: Jill is at work. I am at work. Jill is craving a piece of gum. I have Trident Fruity Fusion Gum in my purse. Jill has none. Jill wants a piece of my Trident Fruity Fusion Gum. Impossible.

Solution: I just know that ONE DAY, SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW, SOMEONE is going to come up with the technology to email gum. Or better yet, IM gum. What a problem solver that would be. If I could just click a few buttons and email Jill a piece of my gum. She would feel better. I would feel better. Ohh, the joys of technology. Think it's bound to happen?

Friday, June 09, 2006


So, do you know what today is? Yup. June 9th. But better yet, do you know what FRIDAY is!? Yup! June 16th! And that would be the 3 freakin' month anniversary since the last time Mrs. Mandy Frantz posted on her blog! Yes! My math is correct. Mandy has not posted a blog since March 16th. I wasn't even an official blogger back then! Boy that's old stuff! Since then I believe I have posted more blogs than Mandy has in her entire LIFE!

So, what I have to say for today is that I sure hope good ol' Mando posts a blog before li'l Felicity is here! We don't want Felicity to think Aunt Mando is a sell-out do we? NO! So, I am beginning my petition to get Mando back into the real world!-Blog world, that is!

Monday, June 05, 2006

One Year!

Just wanted to give a shout-out to the two lovebirds whose 1 year anniversary happens to be today!!!


Love y'all!!!

- Dzid n Edna

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My Favorite M&M!!!

Just wanted to wish my favorite M&M a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!
COUSIN EM!!!!!!!!! :o)
P.S. - Here is a special M&M Hello from me to you! Love ya! :o) (click the link below)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Any day now!

So, today's post is short, but guess what!? TODAY is the first day of the month that my baby is going to be born in! YAY FOR JUNE! June is a good month. Cousin Em's bday is the 4th, and brother Josh and sister-in-law Mandy's anniversary is the 5th! Not to MENTION my BABY'S BIRTHDAY!!! YAY! We'll see when it happens! And believe me, I will let you all know! So, anyway... HAPPY JUNE TO ME (& Baby)!

P.S. - Her due date is June 19th.