You know that song,...duh nunt nuh nunt nuh nunt... baby i'm the lucky one!... duh nunt nuh nunt nuh nunt... Well, anyway... that song was written for me for this weekend. Talk about a MEMORIAL weekend! Yay! It was great. Saturday, a long awaited day for me, and a day hubby has been dreading, was our LAMAZ class! Yay! What fun! We were there like half of the day. But, it was awesome and went by fast. Aaron actually said in the end that he did half-way enjoy it, but he said he is def glad we went. We learned alot of helpful stuff. And, yes, we DID do the breathing! I've always heard about it or seen it on tv, but never imagined that I would be doing it one day! Hee Hee Whoooo... Hee Hee Whooo.... Then there's just... Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo... (That's what i'm supposed to do if i feel a really heavy contraction, and it's supposed to really ease my pain during delivery.) We'll see!

Anyway, I had so much fun with hubby and meeting new peeps, but the most fun i had (besides lunch time) was when Aaron had to wear the "fake pregnancy belly!" YESSS! It was great! It weighed 35lbs... which is what the normal weight is
supposed to be for prego's to gain, yet women usually gain more than that.


hubby put on the
suit and I got to tell him to do anything I wanted him to do. So, I sat in my seat and threw a pen on the floor and said "pick it

up!" He did it with ease... WHATEVER! So, I told him to sit down and try to tie his shoes! He did that pretty good too. Then I told him to lay down and try to get up. He layed down and practically jumped up! WHATEV!!! It's not fair b/c I ACTUALLY have a living being inside me, but all he had was a 35lb. bag of sand. NO COMPARISON!

They also gave us a "baby" to practice holding and changing and stuff. Aaron had fun with our baby. He made her do some karate moves and other twists. Poor kid.

Well, the best part of the day is when we got home, hubby gave me a WONDERFUL foot massage! He soaked my feet in a nice, warm foot bubbly vibrating bath-type-soaker thingy.
It was so nice!

Then, he dried my feet and "buffed" them, then he rubbed massaing oil on each one for a little while. It
was so nice and relaxing! What a memoriable occasion. I will never forget it! Yay! Thanks hubby!